sixandnine1 Leaked OnlyFans



I’m at the point in my life where I’m unapologetically ME! I’m no longer squirming on the inside about what to say or do and whether somebody will approve. I am very present in the moment so our interactions are enjoyable experiences. I have 8 years of higher education and a few more years of street smarts. I am best of both worlds in that sense as I am book smart as well as street smart. With the lifestyle I have lived it allows me to relate to most anyone from all walks of life. I love experiencing all things life has to offerI'm a homebody and consider myself a lone wolf. I'm a free thinker and don't believe in accepting anything that isn't above average. I do not settle for good enough. I'm a kind, sociable and curious girl….not to mention a fun and flirty gal looking forward to making people horny. When I’m not busy being awesome I spend the major part of the day raising my son and working part-time.